Update! Because I’ve Been Gone For, like Forever.

Hey, so sorry for not writing anything on here for so long. But I’m back! My therapist was subscribed to my blog so therapy was hella awkward because there would be thing on here that I wasn’t telling her. Soooo :/

Anyways, I’ve gotten back down to 111.8 pounds, down from 118! Huge improvement 🙂 I also might have grown so the weight loss is seeming to show more. Before, I didn’t have collar bones and even the slight bump of chest bones until I was down at 108, but now I have both of those things already, so I’m going to assume I’ve gotten taller. I hadn’t really noticed until my mom commented on it, but I’ve definitely grown. I had only some lettuce yesterday and nothing the day before so I’m going to continue to restrict because I am SO CLOSE to my first goal weight, I can almost taste it 🙂

Oh, yeah, I’ve revised my goals so I’ll probably post that too. 🙂

Have a wonderful day, stay strong 🙂

~Robin ❤

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