Fresh Goals!

Goal Weights

  1. 100
  2. 95
  3. 90
  4. 85
  5. 80



  1. Eat as little as possible.
  2. If you must eat, you may only have one meal a day.
  3. Celery sticks are not fear foods, but they are also not binge foods.
  4. If a safe food triggers a binge, it is no longer a safe food.
  5. If a safe food has more than 500 calories it is not a safe food.
  6. Consume no dairy fat.
  7. Consume no carbs.
  8. The number of calories in the only thing that matters. Burning calories off does not detract from how much you’ve eaten during the day.
  9. Drink lots of water to stay hydrated.
  10. When attack, defend by lying.


Hey, so this is an updated version of my rules and goals. Don’t know if I’ve already posted goals on here before, but if I have this is an updated version. 🙂

I’ll cross off each goal weight as I reach it and add new ones if I decide to 🙂

Stay strong sweethearts.

~Robin ❤

New Lows!

So, I got on the scale last night and my heart practically leaped out of my chest. 111.6!!! A new low!

Using the energy from my absolute elation, I went straight from my shower into my crunches and practically passed out in bed. The next morning, I weighed myself again and BOOM!!!


I cannot remember the last time I was this happy! I’m almost able to forget my doctor’s appointment today. Almost.

I got a new water enhancer called Mio Energy and I think it’s what helped me drop those extra pounds. It has no calories, but is sweet so it helps quell sugar cravings. It also passes through you like tea so it gives me a sense of temporary heaviness, not permanent weight like normal water does. It also has vitamins in it, so that’s good 🙂 I am so unbelievably happy, you have NO CLUE. I was honestly worried that I would never be able to drop below 113, and I almost started crying when I saw that beautiful number on the scale. I am one step closer to my ultimate goal weight 🙂 And it’s a damn big step ❤

Stay Strong and Skinny, My Lovelies 🙂

~Robin ❤

What I Ate Today.

Breakfast: 1/2 cup of smoothie

Lunch: Protein bar (I KNOW I WASN’T SUPPOSED TO BUT MY FRIEND FORCED IT ON ME), spinach leaves, carrot bits, four banana slices, and two small celery slices.

Dinner: Nothing

Snacks: One small cup of Frozen Yogurt. And that’s why I am not eating dinner. Although, I probably wouldn’t anyway, but I have an actual reason for it besides loosing weight this time.

Trying to keep myself accountable for my intake, and I can safely say I kept it below 500 today 🙂 EVEN with the FroYo and protein bar, because even though the bar was 200 calories, there was no way I had 200 calories worth of FroYo.

Stay Skinny My Lovelies, Remember that You WILL Get There 🙂 ❤

~Robin ❤

A Brand-New Day, a Brand-New Food Plan!

Alright, I am starting on a new meal plan and exercise plan starting today. Here goes.

Mornings: Wake up at 5:20 and go for a long walk. Come back home and make lunch: Spinach leaves, eight cross sections of carrot, one celery stick, four cross sections of banana, one cup of smoothie. Make the smoothie: One cup of raspberries/strawberries, one half cup of skim milk, and a half of a banana. This will give you 1 1/2 cups (roughly) of smoothie. Pour one cup into a container for lunch and drink the other 1/2 cup for breakfast.

Lunch: Eat the prepared meal, nothing else. If eating at school, refuse any food your friends try and offer you. Say you already ate. Do NOT comment on how good everyone else’s food looks, this will draw attention to your eating habits.

Nighttime: Drink lots of water and tea, but do not eat. If you have to, make a small salad without dressing or have 1/4 a can of tuna. Take a shower to relax, brush your teeth, and head to your room. Do 300 crunches and 150 leg lifts. You can divide these up any way you want, but GET IT DONE. After that, if you are sweating take another shower, brush your teeth again to instill the idea that food time is OVER, BRAIN. Then weight yourself, record the number either mentally or on a piece of paper, then hop in bed and sleep.

Repeat for Three Weeks.

So far, I am going strong! Wish me luck!



I­­­­­­­ am slightly afraid that I will not be able to lose any more weight. I have started waking up at 5:00 am every morning and going for a long run/walk which is followed by one mug of a specially made smoothie I make myself that consists of half a cup of skim milk, one cup of frozen strawberries, and a banana. I skip lunch, but it has gotten more difficult as my friends have begun to notice the lack of food that goes into my mouth. I might have to drop them if they are going to get in the way. My current weight is 113.7 which is KILLING ME. I don’t know how to get my weight down again without having to leave my friends. I have ticked up my crunches to 300 a night and added 200 leg lifts along with them, but can’t seem to lose any more weight, as I said before.

If anyone has any advice to give me on other ways i can lose weight, it would make me happy beyond words.

~Robin Aster ❤

Thinspo :)

Look at this beautiful woman. Her legs are thin, her stomach flat, her arms slender. Don’t you want that?

Look at those beautiful hip bones and the stomach that doesn’t flab over when she lays down on her side. Don’t you want that?

Getting there is easy. Just follow Ana’s rules 🙂

Stay skinny, sweethearts ❤ 🙂


Happiness and PROGRESS!!!

Holy freaking shit! I got up today and went for a short run at, like, six in the morning and when I got back home, I decided to weigh myself, not expecting much of a difference from the night before (115 lb) and I was shocked to see that I had dropped TWO POUNDS down to 113! I have never been able to successfully dip below 114 before and I think this was how I did it:

Calorie Intake: Under 500, approximately 451. Small meals if any, and LOTS OF WATER.

Today, my meal schedule said that I was going to skip breakfast and dinner, but my mom dragged me into Whole Foods to get some lunch before Theater. I ate the same thing I had eaten the previous day, one ounce of coconut rice, one ounce of edamame, and one ounce (three cubes) of grilled tofu. Hopefully tonight and tomorrow morning will yield similar results for me, weight wise! If this diet works, I will be sure to write a separate post with more details 🙂


Motivational Speech from My Best Friend Ana

Do it for the looks.

Do it for the flat stomach.

Do it for the thigh gap.

Do it for the lightness of your body.

Do it for how you look in the mirror.

Do it for the body you have always wanted.

Do it for the people who said you can’t.

Do it for the arms.

Do it for the clothes that used to be too small.

Do it for that dress you have always wanted.

Do it for the beautiful figure.

Do it to be skinny.

You are strong.

You are worth it.

You don’t deserve to be fat.

You are beautiful.

You are strong enough to do this.

You are strong enough to prove the people who said you can’t wrong.

You are STRONG.

That is all it comes down to.


You either have it or you don’t.

And you do.

So quit listening to your body’s whining.

Quit being controlled by it’s selfish desires.

You are in control of it.

Not the other way around.

You can do this.

I love you.

And I am telling you you are worth it.

And I am telling you you are capable of it.

And I am telling you you are strong.

Stay Strong, Stay Skinny. 🙂
